Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Making a Switch

So I just got word that the SoCal GW League has official moved to Kings of War format for their fantasy games.

I guess its time to pick up the Kings of War 2nd Edition Deluxe Starter set since its only $80.  And since I used to play Bretonnians, they have a similar faction called the Brotherhood.

Hmm, looks like I might just make the switch.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Gutshot town - Foundation

     So the foundation for our old west town has been laid (still looking for a name though).  The buildings have been laid out and now its on to the building of the walls and upper levels.  This should be fun.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Gutshot! First Game.

     So we played our first game of Gutshot and it was a good one.  It had the right amount of table top battling and cinematic imagery to keep everyone interested.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Its been a while and on to new things.

So its almost been a year since my last post.  Family, work, adult responsibilities all get in the way.  I also had a bit of a burn-out on tabletop gaming for a while too so that doesn't help.

But now I'm getting back into it since my seven year old has taken an interest in all kinds of games.

So the new game we've started is "Gutshot" from hawgleg publications, a wild west game with miniatures.

I'm still painting up some figures and building up a wild west town that I got from WorldWorksGames.  The buildings from the Deadfall line, are printed on cardstock and put together, i.e. paper models.  Cheaper and easier than plastic or resin buildings that take up a lot of space.

But we're still playing a lot of X-Wing and other tabletop games so expect more posts.  I'll be trying to put them up every week, especially now that summer is upon us and the kiddies are out of school.