Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Death of Imagination

Being a scenery builder, I look at all aspects of how the terrain interacts with the game.  It has to be functional, playable, but above all, presentable.

I have seen tables that are little more than styrofoam blocks painted gray and called a city.  I have also seen some really beautiful pieces, almost realistic, but do not offer LOS blocking or adequate cover for a small squad of troops.

But the real disappointment I have seen recently is the lack of original terrain.  I believe home made terrain is the best as long as its quality matches that of the miniatures.  I also believe that its OK to purchase ready made terrain if you can't make your own and its affordable. 

Unfortunately, GW does not believe this anymore.

Remember these?  Both of these books are my tomes to building scenery (along with some websites).

 But, if you visit the GW website, they are no longer listed for sale.  "Why is that?", you ask.  Consider the book cost (at the time) $25.00.  The materials are easy to obtain and can build you a great looking board.  I have built a couple of 4'X8' boards for customers that I sold for $150.00.  And believe me, my profit margin was very large.

A typical, hand-made board will look something like this:
Thanks to
 If you commission someone to make you a board, it could cost you anywhere from $100 to super expensive.  Make sure its of high quality, durabilty, and in your price range.

Or you can go the GW route:
Great for 40K.
This option will run you $500.00.  Its a great board to play on (I have a Realm of Battle Board myself) and the buildings are highly detailed.  However, its a kit and will always be a kit.  I belong to a gaming league and when other players come over and see my terrain, they are impressed; its different.  But when you play on board with a kit built terrain, it looks like every table you've ever seen.  There's nothing special about it and does not give you that sense of awe of playing on a new and different battlefield.

I realize that some people are not good at building terrain, do not have the time, or the room for their own terrain.  And thats all right.  But I think its a horrible idea to steer people to just using kits for their terrain instead of giving them the option to make their own.

So what are your thoughts?  Kit terrain or scratchbuilt?  Whatever the option, make sure its something you're proud of and makes the game enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. I mentioned that direction of GW too! And I do not like it! But I think a mixture of what GW brings out and the creativity of a modeler can bring very great tables! 100% agree! But 100$ for a complete table as a commission is much to cheap! :-)
