Monday, February 27, 2012

A New Direction/Back to Basics

After evaluating how things have progressed, I realize that things may have gotten off track.  Maybe I was bored or burnt out.  Painting commission models is great and gets me some much needed income, but I've noticed that there is still a large share of people who want terrain.

So, I will be dedicating most of my time to just that: terrain.  Miniature commissions will still be done, but my focus will be back to what this blog was intended for.  Building and showcasing terrain to use in the games we play.  Future posts will be focused on tutorials, WIP's, and showcases of other people's terrain that are strikingly good.  I will also be posting twice a week.  Lets see what the future holds.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Immerhass IV battle report

So the first battle in the campaign has been fought over the "Ares Badlands".  This tile grants the owner Fury which allows the controlling faction to launch two attacks per turn.  The attacking army is a force of 920 points of Space Marines run by Sean.  The defenders are 640 points of Chaos Space Marines by me.  A very lopsided battle indeed.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tip of the Month: February Edition

A hot glue gun is ideal for temporarily attaching miniatures to a paint stand for painting.  Peel off when done.
Red hot!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Have a Heart.
Wishing all the guys and gals a Happy Valentine's Day!  Take your significant other out to dinner.  Today is a "no gaming day" (you can go one day without it).

Monday, February 6, 2012

Immerhass IV campaign - week one

So the first battle has been fought.  Tiles have changed hands and the future seems uncertain.  This is how the map stands now:
Map made with:
Black = Space Marines;  Pink = Chaos Space Marines; Red = Sisters of Battle