Sunday, April 10, 2011

Two New Buildings for Mordheim

Just finished two new buildings for my games of Mordheim.
First is the bridge house.  A small wooden bridge connects one large house with a smaller, destroyed house.
The ladders were made from wood skewers, then dipped in a wood stain.
The next building is the Inn.

Didn't notice it when I built it, but the building is leaning.  This was a mistake that actually made it look more like a ruin.

I found using just ladders to connect the upper floors boring.  To make it different, I made a couple of bed sheets out of tissue dipped in white glue.  I imagined the unlucky occupant on the third floor had no way to get down after the building partially collapsed.  The only way to get down was to tie two bed sheets together and lash it to the bed to escape.  The bed is from a Lego castle set, primed, painted, and with another bed spread made the same as the other sheets.  The gold accents are hand painted.
I'll be adding some tutorials on how I make my buildings at a later time.

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