Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Killing Zombies...

No new posts.  I've been too busy playing WarZ and, frankly, I think I'm getting burnt out with painting and building.  I haven't played a game in months so its like, "Why bother to paint or build something if I'm not going to use it."

So we'll see how long this lasts.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rumors are...

...just that, rumors.

So the buzz is about GW getting rid of their Specialist Games.  But, I keep checking the website and the Specialist Games segment is still there.

I enjoy playing Mordheim, Necromunda, Epic, and Battlefleet Gothic.  Its a great change of pace from either the mainstays 40K and fantasy.

I know that GW is moving away from all metal models and I'm not sure if they would discontinue them instead of making them in finecast.  Either way,  I would sure hate to see them go.

But until they actually do...there still rumors.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

An Interesting Thing

So I was scoping out the GamesWorkshop website (like I usually do) and stumbled across something new.

Under the Specialist Games section, they've added two new sections, even though there's nothing in them yet:

     Specialist Games Pre-Orders
     Specialist Games New Releases

So is this a precursor of things to come?  I hope so!